Saturday 9 October 2010

Activate administrator account on windows 7

  • How to Enable or Disable the Windows 7 Built-in Administrator Account
  • To Activate Administrator Account
At times when we try to perform some tasks like deletion/ rename of files or folder windows 7 doesn't allow it and complains that we do not have administrator rights.

The simple way would be to login as administrator and give permission to the user account you have currently logged on as but at times the administrator account is not visible.

To enable Administrator account, please follow these steps.
  1. Run command prompt.
  2. Type following command net user administrator /active:yes
  3. Press Enter
  4. Close the command prompt.
  5. Log off, and you will now see the built-in Administrator account log on icon added (enabled).. 
  6. Click on the Administrator icon to log on to the built-in Administrator account.
 You can also specify your password for this particular account by using the following command
Net user administrator password
where you can replace "password" with your own password. You can see the account immediately after you log off your Windows 7 
To disable Administrator account, please follow these steps.
  1. Run command prompt.
  2. Type following command net user administrator /active:no
  3. Press Enter
  4. Close the command prompt.
  5. Log off, and you will now not see the built-in Administrator account log on icon